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Several hypotheses about the origin of the Expert Solar System, including:
·         Nebular hypothesis
Nebular hypothesis was first proposed by Emanuel Swedenberg (1688-1772) in 1734dan enhanced by Immanuel Kant ( 1724-1804 ) in 1775 a similar hypothesis was also developed by Pierre Marquis de Laplace independently in 1796 . Hypothesis , which is better known as Hypothesis Kant - Laplace nebula , mentioned that in the early stages , the solar system is a giant fog . This mist is formed of dust , ice , and gas called nebulae , and that most of the elements of hydrogen gas . Its gravitational force causing it to shrink and revolve fog with a certain direction , fog temperature heats up, and eventually became a giant star ( sun ) . The sun continues to shrink and the giant spinning faster and faster , and the gas rings and ice thrown around the sun . Due to gravity , these gases condense along with a decrease in temperature and form planets and outer planets . Laplace argued that the nearly circular orbits of the planets is a consequence of their formation .
·        Hypothesis planetesimals

Planetesimals hypothesis was first proposed by Thomas C. Chamberlin and Forest R. Moulton in 1900. Hypothesis planetesimals say that our solar system formed due to the presence of another star passing close enough to the sun, during the early formation of the sun. The closeness causes a bulge on the surface of the sun, and with the internal processes of the sun, pull the material over and over again from the sun. Gravitational effects lead to the formation of two spiral arms extending from the sun. While most of the material drawn back, others will remain in orbit, it cools and solidifies, and becomes a small-sized objects which they called planetesimals and protoplanetary some as large. The objects collide from time to time and form planets and moons, while the remnants of other materials into comets and asteroids.

·         Tidal Hypothesis

Tidal hypothesis was first put forward by James Jeans in 1917. Planets regarded formed because of approaching the other to the sun. Circumstances which almost collided causing attraction of a large amount of material from the sun and other stars by the tidal forces with them, which is then condensed into planet.Namun astronomer Harold Jeffreys in 1929 denied that such a collision was almost impossible. Similarly astronomer Henry Norris Russell expressed his objections to the hypothesis
·       Hypothesis Condensation

Condensation hypothesis originally put forward by the Dutch astronomer named GP Kuiper (1905-1973) in 1950. Condensation hypothesis explains that the solar system formed from a giant rotating ball of fog forming giant discs.
·      Hypothesis Twin Star

Binary star hypothesis initially proposed by Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) in 1956. Hypothesis suggests that firstly our solar system in the form of two stars of similar size and adjacent to one of them exploded leaving tiny fragments. Flakes were trapped by the gravity of which did not explode and began to surround it.
History of the Solar SystemFive planets closest to the Sun than Earth ( Mercury , Venus , Mars , Jupiter and Saturn ) have been known since ancient times because they all can be seen with the naked eye . Many nations of the world have their own names for each planet . Developments in science and technology observations on five of the last century brought humans to understand the celestial bodies free from the veil of mythology . Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) with the telescope refraktornya human eye is able to make " more sharply " in observing the celestial bodies can not be observed by the naked eye . Because Galileo's telescope could observe more sharply , he could see a variety of changes in the appearance of Venus , as Venus or Venus Crescent Purnama as a result of changes in the position of Venus against the Sun . Reasoning Venus around the Sun has strengthened the heliocentric theory , namely that the sun is the center of the universe, not the Earth , which previously initiated by Nicolaus Copernicus ( 1473-1543 ) . Heliocentric arrangement is Mercury to the Sun surrounded by Saturn . Galileo's telescope continues to be refined by other scientists such as Christian Huygens (1629-1695) who discovered Titan , Saturn's satellites , which are almost 2 times the distance Earth-Jupiter orbit . The development of the telescope is also offset by the development of the calculation of the motion of celestial objects and relationships with one another through Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) with Kepler 's Law . And peak , Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) with the law of gravity . With these two theoretical calculations which allow search and calculation of celestial objects later . In 1781 , William Herschel ( 1738-1822 ) discovered Uranus . Careful calculation of the orbit of the planet Uranus concluded that there were disturbing . Neptune was discovered in August 1846 . Discovery of Neptune was not sufficient to explain interference orbit of Uranus . Astronomers then found about 1,000 other small objects lying exceeded Neptune ( called trans-Neptunian objects ) , which is also around the Sun . There may be about 100,000 similar objects known as the Kuiper Belt Objects ( Kuiper Belt objects are part of the trans-Neptunian objects ) . Dozens of celestial bodies including the Kuiper Belt Object Quaoar ( 1,250 miles in June 2002 ) , Huya ( 750 km in March 2000 ) , Sedna ( 1,800 km in March 2004 ) , Orcus , Vesta , Pallas , Hygiea , Varuna , and 2003 EL61 ( 1,500 miles in May 2004 ) . The discovery of 2003 EL61 is horrendous because of the known Kuiper Belt Objects also have a satellite in January 2005 , although smaller than Pluto .And the climax is the discovery of UB 313 ( 2,700 miles in October 2003 ) , named by the discoverer of Xena . In addition to larger than Pluto , it also has a satellite object .
2.3         The composition of the Solar System

The solar system is the arrangement of celestial objects consisting of the sun as its center and planets, meteoroids, comets, and asteroids around the sun. The composition of the solar system consists of the sun, eight planets, satellites accompaniment planets, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids. Celestial bodies such as planets and other celestial bodies in the so-called revolution around the sun. Most of the orbit (orbit) elliptical. Field on the planets around the sun is called on the field, while the field on the planet Earth is called the ecliptic plane. Besides evolved heavenly bodies also rotates on its axis is called rotation, while the time to rotate once called kala rotation.

a.   Sun
The sun is the center of the solar system in the form of a glowing ball of gas. The sun is one of the stars who graced the Milky Way galaxy. The surface temperature of 6,000 degrees celsius sun radiated into space until it gets to the surface of the earth, while the core temperature of 15-20 million degrees Celsius.
b.   Planet
1.     Planet Mercury
Mercury is the smallest planet and the nearest to the sun. Mercury has no satellite or moon, and do not have air. Its diameter is 4500 km, larger than the midline months just 3160 km. It is estimated that there is no life at all in the Mercury. Mercury entered the rotation in 58.6 days. This means that during the next 28 days long over, so the next night. Mercury around the Sun in 88 days.

2.      Planet Venus
The planet is smaller than Earth. Venus ranks second closest to the sun. This planet is famous for its morning star shining brightly in the late afternoon or early morning. Venus rotation ± 247 days, and evolved (around the sun) for 225 days, then 1 year of Venus is 225 days.

3.     Planet Earth
Earth was third nearest to the sun. The size is similar to the magnitude of Venus and 12,640 km in diameter. The distance between the earth to the sun is also 149 km. Earth held a 24-hour rotation, meaning earth day = 24 hours.
a.      Rotational motion of the earth
The motion of the earth rotating on its axis is called rotation of the earth. Direction equal to the direction of rotation of the earth of revolution, ie, from west to east. This is why the sun rises first in New Guinea than in Java. The rotation of the earth taken during 3600 underwent 24 hours.
b.      Due to the rotation of the earth
1) The existence of apparent daily motion of the sun
2) Substitution of day and night
3) Deviation of the direction of the wind, ocean currents
4) Inflation at the equator and at the poles of the earth pemepatan
5) The emergence of centrifugal force
6) There are two rising tide times and ups and downs in a day and night
7) The time difference between the places of different degrees of arc
c.       The motion of the earth's revolution
As long as the sun turns round about the Earth's axis tilted in the same direction to the plane of the ecliptic. Earth's axial tilt magnitude of 23 ½ 0 to the plane of the ecliptic. As a result of the revolution of the earth is:
1) Substitution of four seasons
2) Changes in the length of day and night
3) The sight constellation (constellation) of the outstanding from month to month
Running in the revolution of the earth to the sun is called the orbit.
d.      The gravitational force of the earth's terrestrial
Our earth has a force or gravity. The gravitational force of the earth is called the terrestrial gravity. Thing on this earth has a weight due to the influence of the gravitational force. This is the terrestrial gravitational force that holds all of the material that is in the earth and its atmosphere is not lost to drift into the universe.
e.  Time
We already know one day one night 24-hour duration. This is 24 hours a day and night solar (sun) based on the apparent motion of the sun to make one complete revolution.
4.      Planet Mars
The planet is colored reddish soil that allegedly contains a lot of iron oxygen, oxygen up if there are still very few in number. On the surface of the planet obtained colors green, blue and brown are always changed throughout the period of the year. Mars has two satellites or moon is phobus and daimus.
Distance to the planet Mars to the Sun is also 226.48 miles. Its diameter is 6272 km and its revolution 1.9 years. Rotation is 24 hours 37 minutes. Based on satellite data sent by the Mariner IV Mars no oxygen, almost no water, while the polar ice that is estimated to contain a lot of water was nothing but a very thin layer of snow.

5.      Planet Jupiter
Jupiter is the largest planet. Based on this planet spectroscopic analysis contains methane and ammonia lot, as well as hydrogen-containing gas. Jupiter has about 14 satellite or moon. Jupiter 138 560 km in diameter, rapid rotation is 10 hours. Because gravitational force is very strong, Jupiter has 12 satellites (months) and 3 of them circulating in the opposite direction with the other 9.
6.      Planet Saturn
Saturn has a density much smaller than the water that is 0.75 g/cm3, so it will float in water. It turns out that the planet is a gas composed of methane and ammonia with an average temperature of 103 0C. Saturn has 10 satellites and the largest of them called Titan, the other is called Phoebe who moves in the opposite direction with 9 other satellites.
7.     Planet Uranus
Uranus has five satellites. Unlike the other planets, Uranus direction of rotation from east to west. The distance to the Sun is 2860 million miles and around the sun in 84 years. Rotation is 10 hours 47 seconds. Large Saturn Uranus less than half, 50 560 km in diameter. Based on aircraft observations in January 1986 VOYAGER Uranus has 14 pieces with 9 other satellite satelit.ah.
8.      Planet Neptune
Neptune has two satellites, one of which is called Triton. Triton Satellite circulating in the opposite direction to Neptune's rotation. 44 790 km distance to the sun, around the sun in about 165 year
c.    Comet
Comet is derived from the Greek, which means that Kometes long hair. Comet is a language according to the terms of celestial bodies that orbit around the sun with very oval. Comets are composed of ice that is very dense and its orbit is more elliptical than the orbit of the planet. Comet ejects glowing gas that can be seen from the earth. Comet parts, namely:

1) comet nucleus, which is part of a small but solid comet composed of dust and gas.
2) coma, which is the core area around the fog.
3) a comet's tail, which is part of the elongated and length capable of achieving one astronomical unit (1SA = distance between the Earth and the Sun).
Comet tail direction away from the sun. Most comets can not be seen with the naked eye, but must be using the telescope. Famous comet is Halley's comet discovered by Halley Edmunt. The comet appears every 76 years. Comets are often called tailless star.

d.  Asteroid
Asteroids are celestial bodies like planets, which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids are also called planetoid or dwarf planet. And the largest asteroid Ceres, which was first discovered by Piazzi Giussepe (Italian astronomer). Icarus is one of the ever approaching Earth asteroids with elliptical orbits.
e.    Meteoroid
A meteoroid is a small rocks very much and was hovering in space. These rocks contain many elements iron and nickel that enters Earth's atmosphere is due to the influence of gravity. Rocks or celestial bodies rubbing against the Earth's atmosphere and burn out before reaching the Earth's surface are called meteorites. While the rocks are not completely burned to the ground and called Meteoroid.
f.   Month
Months are celestial bodies that orbit the earth. Because the Earth orbits the sun, the moon also orbits the sun along with Earth. In addition, the moon also rotates on its own axis. Thus the movement has three months at a time. Celestial objects in the solar system are arranged in neat.
  During moving objects do not collide with each other. It happened because of the force of gravity on each of the heavenly bodies. Thus, it can be said that the causes movement of the heavenly bodies regularly is the force of gravity.

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