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Aircraft Systems Work

WORKING PRINCIPLE OF AIRCRAFT (English)The basic principle of how the same aircraft to the air for all aircraft .factor - an important factor affecting the aircraft is style - the aerodynamic force that is about it , lift ( elevator ) , drag ( drag ) , gravity ( gravity ) , and thrust ( trust) . The driving force of forward plane obtained from the spinning propeller at the end of the plane . While a drag is friction airplane with the wind . Because aircraft have mass , then the force of gravity will bring down the plane , for which the lifting force needed . Lift is produced from aircraft wings . This aircraft wing that plays an important role to lift the fuselage. Wing cross section is commonly called " aerofoil " During the flight the air flows up and down the wing . Air to flow over the wing faster than the air flowing under the wing , so the air pressure above the lower plane . At the same time the air below the  wing is deflected downward , resulting in a lift force ( air is pushed down to push the wing up - style action and reaction ) . Driving force of the wing and lower air pressure above the wing is needed for this aircraft in the air .There are several factors that cause the aircraft to fly , including :

2. airfoilAn aircraft requires a lift or elevator is needed to fly . Lift generated by a wing surface ( wing ) airfoil.Gaya shaped lift is due to the air passing over the top and around the bottom of the airfoil . At the time flew , the air passing over the top of the airfoil will have a speed greater than the speed of air flow through the bottom of the airfoil . Then , on the lower surface of the airfoil will have a greater pressure than the surface above . The pressure difference at the top and bottom is what causes the lift or elevator on airplane wings . Because of the pressure to move from a large pressure area pressure area leading to small , then the pressure at the bottom of the airfoil will move towards the top of the airfoil so as to create the lift force on the wing. Lift force that makes the aircraft can fly and float freely in udara.Untuk moving forward ( both on land and in the air ) , the aircraft requires thrust generated by the propulsion or commonly called by the engine ( engine ) . Will thrust generated by the engine is commonly called thrust .There are several types of aircraft engines , including :- Piston Engine- Turbojet Engine- Turboporop Engine- Turbofans Engine- Turboshaft Engine

3 . Sector Control ( Flight Control Surface )To move the plane ( turn , dip , and rolling or turning ) , a pilot requires a control surface or control surface .Primary control surfacePrimary control surface or area of ​​the main control is the best control surface can regulate the movement of aircraft while flying in the air . Ailerons , elevators , and rudder is the primary control surface on the aircraft .1 ) . Aileron is located on the wing , used aircraft at the time of rolling ( turning ) in the air and movement is at the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, the ailerons are controlled by using the control stick in the cockpit are .2 ) . Elevators are located at the tail ( empenage ) or horizontal stabilizer parts , used aircraft to perform piching ( nod ) and aircraft movements on the lateral axis , elevators controlled by using the control stick is in the cockpit room .3 ) . Rudder is located in the tail section precisely at the vertical stabilizer , is used to perform yawing plane ( turn ) in the air and aircraft movements on the vertical axis , rudder controlled by using the rudder pedals are located in the cockpit area .

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