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Teori Atom J. J. Thomson

Berdasarkan penemuan tabung katode yang lebih baik oleh William Crookers, maka J.J. Thomson meneliti lebih lanjut tentang sinar katode dan dapat dipastikan bahwa sinar katode merupakan partikel, sebab dapat memutar baling-baling yang diletakkan diantara katode dan anode. Dari hasil percobaan ini, Thomson menyatakan bahwa sinar katode merupakan partikel penyusun atom (partikel subatom) yang bermuatan negatif dan selanjutnya disebut elektron.
Atom merupakan partikel yang bersifat netral, oleh karena elektron bermuatan negatif, maka harus ada partikel lain yang bermuatan positif untuk menetrallkan muatan negatif elektron tersebut. Dari penemuannya tersebut, Thomson memperbaiki kelemahan dari teori atom dalton dan mengemukakan teori atomnya yang dikenal sebagai Teori Atom Thomson. Yang menyatakan bahwa:

“Atom merupakan bola pejal yang bermuatan positif dan didalamya tersebar muatan negatif elektron”

Model atom ini dapat digambarkan sebagai jambu biji yang sudah dikelupas kulitnya. biji jambu menggambarkan elektron yang tersebar marata dalam bola daging jambu yang pejal, yang pada model atom Thomson dianalogikan sebagai bola positif yang pejal. Model atom Thomson dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:

                                                                 atom thomson


Kelemahan model atom Thomson ini tidak dapat menjelaskan susunan muatan positif dan negatif dalam bola atom tersebut.

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Dalton's Atomic Theory


Atom comes from the Greek " atomos " which means it can not be cut . As per this definition , atoms are all the constituent particles are very small objects . In the atom also contained sub ​​- atomic , subatomic particles that are smaller in size . It is difficult for us to imagine how small this atomEach atom has a nucleus , composed of protons and neutrons , and electrons are moving fast around the nucleus . These electrons are in the energy levels of different , called skins , each skin has a limit to the number of electrons , where electrons in the first shell already meet the limits , then the electrons will meet a second skin and so on .

1 . Atomic theory of John DaltonIn 1803 , John Dalton argued pendapatnaya argued about atoms . Dalton's atomic theory is based on two laws , the law of conservation of mass ( Lavoisier law ) and legal permanent arrangement ( legal Prouts ) . Lavosier that voiced their " total mass of substances before the reaction will always be equal to the total mass of substances reaction products " . While Prouts stated that " the mass ratio of the elements in a compound always remains " . The second law of Dalton expressed his opinion about the atom as follows :1 . Atoms are the smallest part of the material as it can not be subdivided2 . Atoms described as a very small solid ball , an element has atoms are identical and differ for different elements3 . Atoms combine to form compounds with a ratio of integers and simple . For example, water is composed of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms4 . The chemical reaction is a separation or merger or rearrangement of atoms , so the atoms can not be created or destroyed .Hypothesis Dalton 's atomic model as illustrated by the solid ball as the shot put . As shown below :

                                                             dalton atomic model 

weaknesses :       
Dalton theory does not explain the relationship between the solution and the compound electric current conductivity .

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Atom berasal dari bahasa yunani atomos yang berarti tidak dapat dipotong. Sesuai pengertian tersebut,Atom-atom adalah partikel penyusun semua benda yang berukuran sangat kecil. Di dalam atom juga terdapat sub-atom, yaitu partikel penyusun atom yang ukurannya lebih kecil. Sulit bagi kita untuk membayangkan seberapa kecil atom ini
Setiap atom memiliki inti, yang terdiri dari proton dan neutron, serta elektron yang bergerak cepat di sekitar inti. Elektron-elektron ini terdapat pada tingkatan energi yang berbeda-beda, yang disebut kulit, tiap kulit memiliki jumlah batas untuk elektron, apabila elektron di kulit pertama sudah memenuhi batas, maka elektron akan memenuhi kulit kedua dan seterusnya.

1.       Teori Atom John Dalton

Pada tahun 1803, John Dalton mengemukakan mengemukakan pendapatnaya tentang atom. Teori atom Dalton didasarkan pada dua hukum, yaitu hukum kekekalan massa (hukum Lavoisier) dan hukum susunan tetap (hukum prouts). Lavosier mennyatakan bahwa “Massa total zat-zat sebelum reaksi akan selalu sama dengan massa total zat-zat hasil reaksi”. Sedangkan Prouts menyatakan bahwa “Perbandingan massa unsur-unsur dalam suatu senyawa selalu tetap”. Dari kedua hukum tersebut Dalton mengemukakan pendapatnya tentang atom sebagai berikut:

1. Atom merupakan bagian terkecil dari materi yang sudah tidak dapat dibagi lagi
2. Atom digambarkan sebagai bola pejal yang sangat kecil, suatu unsur memiliki atom-atom yang identik dan berbeda untuk unsur yang berbeda
3. Atom-atom bergabung membentuk senyawa dengan perbandingan bilangan bulat dan sederhana. Misalnya air terdiri atom-atom hidrogen dan atom-atom oksigen
4. Reaksi kimia merupakan pemisahan atau penggabungan atau penyusunan kembali dari atom-atom, sehingga atom tidak dapat diciptakan atau dimusnahkan.

Hipotesa Dalton digambarkan dengan model atom sebagai bola pejal seperti pada tolak peluru. Seperti gambar berikut ini:

                                                           model atom dalton

Kelemahan teori dalton :

Teori dalton tidak menerangkan hubungan antara larutan senyawa dan daya hantar arus listrik.

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Utilization of Organic Waste

BioconversionThrough bioconversion , organic waste such as feces , domestic waste and agricultural waste can be converted into bioenergy . Bioenergy is a complex gas consisting of methane , carbon dioxide , acid sulfide , and other gases . This involves the bioconversion of organic waste fermentation process . Bioconversion process like this is also known as Digestive Anaerob.Proses bioconversion process naturally happens in nature , ie, the formation of marsh gas or as a by-product of the digestion of animals , especially ruminant animals . Swamp gas actually a methane gas formed from organic materials through the decomposition of crop plants by bacteria . Furthermore , the gas released from the swamp and under certain conditions can ignite spontaneously . This gas is an important fuel economy that can be used as a substitute for fuel oil , but because the plants are decomposed naturally limited in number , it is necessary to find raw materials and technology replacement .Gas formation in ruminants occurs in the stomach and held in conjunction with the process of digestion . In the stomach , berselulosa materials from grasses or other materials into ruminant diet with the addition of water is converted into organic acids . Organic acids is further decomposed anaerobically into methane and carbon dioxide gas . It is estimated that about 75 tons of methane a surprise issued by ruminants annually .The process of anaerobic methane -making involves a complex interaction of a number of different bacteria , protozoa and fungi . Some of the bacteria involved are Bacteroides , Clostridium butyrinum , Escericia coli and some other intestinal bacteria , Methanobacterium , and Methanobacillus . Last two bacteria are the main bacteria and methane -producing anaerobic life . The process of making methane is divided into three stages , namely :1 . The enzymatic hydrolysis , organic materials do not dissolve into organic materials can be dissolved . The main enzymes involved are disjoint cellulase cellulose .2 . Changes in organic materials can dissolve into organic acids . The formation of organic acids is the case with the help of non methanogenik bacteria , protozoa and fungi .3 . Changes in organic acids into methane and carbon dioxide . The process of these changes can occur because of the help of methanogenic bacteria ( Methanobacterium and Methanobacillus ) .Overall reaction to changes in organic matter into methane and carbon dioxide can be written by the following equation :( C6 H10 O5 ) n + n  H2O ------ 3n 3n CO2 + CH4The above equation applies when the substrate is cellulose . For the substrate in the form of complex organic compounds , such as lignin and tannins and other compounds Aromatic Polymer , not through the formation of methane reaction as above . Substrate in the form of a more simple aromatic compounds through aerobic activity of extracellular enzymes produced by a number of microorganisms . Simple aromatic compounds is generally Benzenoid . Furthermore , the benzenoid compounds through bacterial activity metaorganik , such as Methanobacterium formicum and Methanospirilum hungati , seca anaerobic converted into methane and carbon dioxide gas . This occurs through a process of change reaction stages as follows :4 C6H5 COOH + 24 H 2 O  12 ------ HCOOH CH3COOH + 4 + 8 H2 CH3COOH ------ 12 12 12 CH4 + CO24 COOH ------  4 CO2 + H23 CO2 + H2 ------ 12  3 CH4 + 6 H2OIn brief, the overall reaction above can be simplified to :4 C6H5 COOH + 18 H 2 O ------ 15  CH4 + CO2

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Melalui  biokonversi, limbah organik seperti tinja, sampah domestik dan limbah pertanian dapat dikonversi menjadi bioenergi. Bioenergi merupakan gas kompleks yang terdiri dari Metana, karbondioksida, Asam sulfida, dan gas-gas lainnya. Biokonversi limbah organik ini melibatkan proses fermentasi. Proses biokonversi seperti ini dikenal pula sebagai proses Pencernaan Anaerob.Proses biokonversi secara alami terjadi pula di alam, yakni dalam pembentukan gas rawa atau sebagai produk samping dari pencernaan hewan, khususnya hewan-hewan pemamah biak. Gas rawa sebenarnya merupakan gas metan yang terbentuk dari bahan-bahan organik tanaman melalui proses dekomposisi tanaman oleh bakteri. Selanjutnya, gas ini dikeluarkan dari rawa dan dalam kondisi tertentu dapat terbakar secara spontan. Gas ini secara ekonomi merupakan bahan bakar penting yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti bahan bakar minyak, tetapi karena tumbuhan yang didekomposisi secara alami jumlahnya terbatas, maka perlu dicari bahan baku dan teknologi penggantinya. 

Pembentukan gas pada hewan pemamah biak terjadi di dalam lambung dan berlangsung bersamaan dengan proses pencernaan makanan. Di dalam lambung, bahan-bahan berselulosa dari rumput-rumputan atau bahan lain yang menjadi makanan hewan pemamah biak dengan penambahan air diubah menjadi asam organik. Asam organik ini selanjutnya diurai secara anaerob menjadi gas metan dan karbondioksida. Diperkirakan sekitar 75 jutan ton gas metan dikeluarkan oleh hewan pemamah biak setiap tahunnya.
Proses pembuatan gas metan secara anaerob melibatkan interaksi kompleks dari sejumlah bakteri yang berbeda, protozoa maupun jamur. Beberapa bakteri yang terlibat adalah Bacteroides, Clostridium butyrinum, Escericia coli dan beberapa bakteri usus lainnya, Methanobacterium, dan Methanobacillus. Dua bakteri terakhir merupakan bakteri utama penghasil metan dan hidup secara anaerob. Proses pembuatan metan ini terbagi ke dalam tiga tahap, yaitu : 

1. Hidrolisis secara enzimatik, bahan-bahan organik tak larut menjadi bahan-bahan organik dapat larut. Enzim utama yang terlibat adalah selulase yang menguraikan selulosa.
2. Perubahan bahan-bahan organik dapat larut menjadi asam organik. Pembentukan asam organik ini terjadi dengan bantuan bakteri non methanogenik, protozoa dan jamur.

3. Perubahan asam organik menjadi gas metan dan karbondioksida. Proses perubahan ini dapat terjadi karena adanya bantuan bakteri Metanogenik (Methanobacterium dan Methanobacillus).

Keseluruhan reaksi perubahan bahan organik menjadi gas metan dan karbondioksida dapat dituliskan dengan persamaan reaksi sebagai berikut :
(C6 H10 O5)n + n H2O ------ 3n CO2 + 3n CH4
Persamaan di atas berlaku bila yang menjadi substrat adalah selulosa. Untuk substrat yang berupa senyawa organik kompleks, seperti Lignin dan tanin dan senyawa Polimer Aromatik lainnya, pembentukan gas metan tidak melalui reaksi seperti di atas. Substrat yang berupa senyawa aromatik yang lebih sederhana melalui aktifitas aerobik beberapa enzim ekstraselular yang dihasilkan oleh sejumlah mikroorganisme. Senyawa-senyawa aromatik sederhana ini umumnya Benzenoid. Selanjutnya, senyawa benzenoid ini melalui aktifitas bakteri metaorganik, seperti Methanobacterium formicum dan Methanospirilum hungati, seca anaerob diubah menjadi gas metan dan karbondioksida. Proses perubahan ini terjadi melalui tahapan reaksi seperti berikut :
4 C6H5 COOH + 24 H2 O ------ 12 CH3COOH + 4 HCOOH + 8 H2
12 CH3COOH ------ 12 CH4 + 12 CO2
4 COOH ------ 4 CO2 + H2
3 CO2 + 12 H2 ------ 3 CH4 + 6 H2O
Secara singkat reaksi keseluruhan di atas dapat disederhanakan menjadi:
4 C6H5 COOH + 18 H2 O ------ 15 CH4 + CO2

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Definition of Global Warming

 along with the increasing temperature of the earth in the world , then we need to provide information that is essential to all communities that exist throughout the world to find a very large negative impact as a result of global warming . so let us think together after skimming the information about global warming and its impacts to our planet .

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere , ocean , and land earth caused by several factors . most likely caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity through the greenhouse effect global warming will be followed by Climate Change , such as increased rainfall in some parts of the world , causing flooding and erosion . Meanwhile , in the other hemisphere will experience a prolonged dry season caused by rising temperatures.

Causes of Global Warming

Greenhouse Effect

All energy sources that exist on Earth comes from the Sun . When this energy arrives Earth 's surface , the light turns into heat that warms the Earth . Earth's surface will absorb some of the heat and reflect repopulating the rest . Some of this heat tangible long-wave infrared radiation into space . Some of this heat tangible long-wave infrared radiation into space . However, some of the heat remains trapped in Earth's atmosphere as a result of accumulated amount of greenhouse gases include water vapor , carbon dioxide , and methane that trap this radiation. These gases absorb and reflect radiation emitted waves heat the Earth and consequently will be stored on the surface of the Earth . This situation occurs continuously , resulting in an annual average temperature of the earth continues to rise . These gases serve as the gas in the greenhouse. With the increasing concentration of these gases in the atmosphere , the more heat is trapped beneath it .

Feedback Effects

Feedback process that occurs affects of global warming . An example is the process of water evaporation . In the case of warming due to increasing greenhouse gases such as CO2 , initially warming will cause more of water to evaporate into the atmosphere . Because water vapor is itself a greenhouse gas , warming will continue and increase the amount of water vapor in the air until it reaches equilibrium with the water vapor concentration . The resulting greenhouse effect greater than the effect of CO2 alone . ( Although this feedback increases the absolute water content in the air , the relative humidity of the air is almost constant or even decreases slightly because the air becomes warmer ) . This feedback effect only slowly as CO2 has a long time in the atmosphere .

Another important feedback is the loss of reflectance ( albedo ) of ice. As global temperatures increase, ice near the poles melts at an increasing rate . Along with the melting of ice, land or water below it will open . Both land and water has the ability to reflect light much less when compared to ice , and consequently will absorb more solar radiation . This will add to the warming and lead to even more ice to melt, causing a continuous cycle .

Positive feedback due to release of CO2 and CH4 from the softening of frozen ground ( permafrost ) are other mechanisms that contribute to warming . In addition, the melting ice will also release CH4 are also positive feedback .

The ability of oceans to absorb carbon will also be reduced when it warms up , this is caused by the decreased levels of nutrients in the mesopelagic zone thus limiting the growth of phytoplankton diatoms than a carbon sink that low .


Rampant cases of deforestation is one of the causes of global warming . Deforestation that reduces carbon sequestration by trees , causing the increase of carbon emissions by 20 % , and change the local micro-climate and hydrological cycle , thus affecting soil fertility . Forests are the lungs into the Earth now can not function to its full potential because it has a very reduced number of existing trees . The number of existing trees can not balance the number of CO2 on Earth .

Due to Global Warming

Unstable Climate Change

It has been predicted by scientists , the northern regions of the Northern Hemisphere will heat up more than other regions on Earth . This will result in the melting of icebergs and land will shrink . It would be a bit of ice floating in the waters . . Areas that previously experienced mild snow , probably will not experience it again . In the mountains in temperate regions, snow covered sections will shrink and will melt faster . Growing seasons will be longer in some areas . Temperatures in winter and at night will tend to increase.

Warm regions will become more humid as more water evaporates from the oceans . High humidity will increase rainfall , on average , about 1 percent for each degree Fahrenheit warming . Storms will become more frequent . In addition , the water will evaporate more quickly than soil . As a result, some areas will become drier than ever . The wind will blow harder and probably with different patterns . Hurricanes ( hurricane ) which draws its strength from the evaporation of water , will be greater . Contrary to the warming that happens , some very cold periods might occur . Weather patterns become less predictable and more extreme .

Rising Sea Level

When the atmosphere warms , the surface layer of the oceans will also warms , it expands and causes the volume will raise the sea level . Warming also resulted in the melting of the polar ice , especially around Greenland .

Changes in sea level will greatly affect the life on the beach . Some areas will sink . Erosion of cliffs , beaches and sand dunes will increase . Even the slightest rise in sea level will greatly affect coastal ecosystems , for example, would drown coastal marshes half .

Ecological disturbance

Animals and plants into living creatures that are difficult to avoid the effects of global warming because most of the land is controlled by humans . In global warming , animals tend to migrate toward the poles and up the mountains . Plants will change the direction of growth , seeking new areas as old habitats become too warm . However , human development will obstruct this movement . Species migrate north or south is blocked by the cities or farms may be dead . Some types of species that are not able to quickly move towards the poles may also be destroyed .

Some kind of way to lessen the negative impact of Global Warming

The damage that has occurred can be addressed in several ways . The beach area is protected by didnding and barrier to prevent the entry of sea water . As another way , the government helps populations in coastal areas to move to higher ground . There are two ways to slow the increase in greenhouse gases . First, it prevents the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by storing the gas elsewhere . This method is called carbon sequestration ( removing carbon ) . The second way is to reduce the production of greenhouse gases .

Other ways that can be done is as follows :

- Plant more trees

- Traveling with environmentally friendly vehicles , for example: bicycle

- Use energy saving electronics

- Reduce the use of air conditioning

- Recycling organic waste

- Separate Waste Paper , Plastic , and cans that can be recycled

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