The sun is the closest star to Earth with an average distance of 149,680,000 kilometers (93,026,724 miles). The sun and the eight planets (which are already known / discovered by humans) form the Solar System. The sun is categorized as a small type G.
The sun is an incandescent gas ball and it turns out it is not really round. The sun has equator and poles because of its rotational motion. The equatorial center line is 864,000 miles, while the center line between the poles is 43 miles shorter. The sun is the largest member of the Solar System, because 98% of the mass of the Solar System is collected in the sun.
Aside from being a center of circulation, the sun is also the center of power in the solar system. The sun consists of a core and three layers of skin, each photosphere, chromosphere and corona. To continue to shine, the sun, which consists of hot gas, exchanges hydrogen for helium through nuclear fusion at 600 million tons, losing four million tons of mass at any time.
The sun is believed to have formed 4.6 billion years ago. The density of the sun's mass is 1.41 compared to the mass of the water. The amount of solar power that reaches the Earth's surface which is recognized as solar constant equals 1,370 watts per square meter at any time. The sun as the center of the Solar System is a second generation star. Material from the sun formed from the explosion of the first generation of stars as believed by scientists, that the universe was formed by a big bang explosion about 14,000 million years ago.
The distance between the sun and the Earth with scientific notation
The distance from the sun to the earth is 93,000,000 miles. This distance is used as an astronomical unit. An astronomical unit (AU) is 93 million miles = 148 million km. Compared to the earth, the diameter of the sun is about 112 times the diameter of the Earth. The force of the sun is about 30 times the force of the earth. Sunlight takes 8 minutes to get to Earth and this bright sunlight can cause anyone who stares continuously at the sun to go blind.
Sun Surface Temperature
According to the calculations of experts, the temperature on the surface of the sun around 6,000 ° C, but there is also a mention of surface temperature of 5,500 ° C. Any type of rock or metal on Earth will melt at such high temperatures. The highest temperature is located in the middle which is estimated to be no less than 25 million degrees Celsius but it is also mentioned that the temperature is essentially 15 million degrees Celsius. There is also a mention of the temperature in the sun's core around about 13,889,000 ° C. According to JR Meyer, the sun's heat comes from meteorites falling at high speed on the sun's surface. Meanwhile, according to the theory of H Helmholz contraction, the heat comes from the shrinking of the ball of gas. Another expert, Dr. Bothe stated that the heat comes from thermonuclear reactions which are also called synthetic hydrogen helium reactions.
Parts of the Sun.
1) The Sun's Atmosphere
The sun's atmosphere is the outermost layer of the sun in the form of gas, consisting of two layers, namely the chromosphere and the corona. A chromosome is a layer of the sun's lower atmosphere consisting of tenuous red gas with a thickness of about 10,000 km. This gas layer is the most dynamic layer because it often appears light-shaped protrusions of light that radiate to an altitude of more than 200,000 km called prominensa (protuberans).
Corona is the upper layer of the sun's atmosphere consisting of very tenuous and white or bluish-yellow gas, which has a thickness of thousands of kilometers.
Normal chromosomes and corona cannot be seen clearly from the earth because the light level is lower than the surface layer of the sun. The sun's atmosphere (chromosomes, corona, and prominence) can be seen clearly if the sun's dots are covered by the moon's sphere during a total solar eclipse or through observation using a device called a coronagraph.
2) Solar Photosphere
Solar photosphere is a layer in the form of a yellowish silver sphere consisting of high temperature solid gas. In the photosphere of the sun visible black spots or stains around the diameter
300,000 km. There is even a diameter greater than the diameter of the earth with a depth of about 800 km called umbra. Around the umbra, there is usually a lighter circle called the penumbra. Black spots on the sun as a whole are called sun spots.
3) Barisfer (Core of the Sun)
The sun's core is the deepest part of the sun, about 500,000 km in diameter with a temperature of about 15,000,000 ° C. In this section the nuclear reaction takes place which causes the synthesis of hydrogen into helium with carbon as a catalyst.