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The sun is the closest star to Earth with an average distance of 149,680,000 kilometers (93,026,724 miles). The sun and the eight planets (which are already known / discovered by humans) form the Solar System. The sun is categorized as a small type G.
The sun is an incandescent gas ball and it turns out it is not really round. The sun has equator and poles because of its rotational motion. The equatorial center line is 864,000 miles, while the center line between the poles is 43 miles shorter. The sun is the largest member of the Solar System, because 98% of the mass of the Solar System is collected in the sun.
Aside from being a center of circulation, the sun is also the center of power in the solar system. The sun consists of a core and three layers of skin, each photosphere, chromosphere and corona. To continue to shine, the sun, which consists of hot gas, exchanges hydrogen for helium through nuclear fusion at 600 million tons, losing four million tons of mass at any time.
The sun is believed to have formed 4.6 billion years ago. The density of the sun's mass is 1.41 compared to the mass of the water. The amount of solar power that reaches the Earth's surface which is recognized as solar constant equals 1,370 watts per square meter at any time. The sun as the center of the Solar System is a second generation star. Material from the sun formed from the explosion of the first generation of stars as believed by scientists, that the universe was formed by a big bang explosion about 14,000 million years ago.

The distance between the sun and the Earth with scientific notation

The distance from the sun to the earth is 93,000,000 miles. This distance is used as an astronomical unit. An astronomical unit (AU) is 93 million miles = 148 million km. Compared to the earth, the diameter of the sun is about 112 times the diameter of the Earth. The force of the sun is about 30 times the force of the earth. Sunlight takes 8 minutes to get to Earth and this bright sunlight can cause anyone who stares continuously at the sun to go blind.

Sun Surface Temperature

According to the calculations of experts, the temperature on the surface of the sun around 6,000 ° C, but there is also a mention of surface temperature of 5,500 ° C. Any type of rock or metal on Earth will melt at such high temperatures. The highest temperature is located in the middle which is estimated to be no less than 25 million degrees Celsius but it is also mentioned that the temperature is essentially 15 million degrees Celsius. There is also a mention of the temperature in the sun's core around about 13,889,000 ° C. According to JR Meyer, the sun's heat comes from meteorites falling at high speed on the sun's surface. Meanwhile, according to the theory of H Helmholz contraction, the heat comes from the shrinking of the ball of gas. Another expert, Dr. Bothe stated that the heat comes from thermonuclear reactions which are also called synthetic hydrogen helium reactions.

Parts of the Sun.

1) The Sun's Atmosphere
The sun's atmosphere is the outermost layer of the sun in the form of gas, consisting of two layers, namely the chromosphere and the corona. A chromosome is a layer of the sun's lower atmosphere consisting of tenuous red gas with a thickness of about 10,000 km. This gas layer is the most dynamic layer because it often appears light-shaped protrusions of light that radiate to an altitude of more than 200,000 km called prominensa (protuberans).
Corona is the upper layer of the sun's atmosphere consisting of very tenuous and white or bluish-yellow gas, which has a thickness of thousands of kilometers.
Normal chromosomes and corona cannot be seen clearly from the earth because the light level is lower than the surface layer of the sun. The sun's atmosphere (chromosomes, corona, and prominence) can be seen clearly if the sun's dots are covered by the moon's sphere during a total solar eclipse or through observation using a device called a coronagraph.

2) Solar Photosphere
Solar photosphere is a layer in the form of a yellowish silver sphere consisting of high temperature solid gas. In the photosphere of the sun visible black spots or stains around the diameter
300,000 km. There is even a diameter greater than the diameter of the earth with a depth of about 800 km called umbra. Around the umbra, there is usually a lighter circle called the penumbra. Black spots on the sun as a whole are called sun spots.

3) Barisfer (Core of the Sun)
The sun's core is the deepest part of the sun, about 500,000 km in diameter with a temperature of about 15,000,000 ° C. In this section the nuclear reaction takes place which causes the synthesis of hydrogen into helium with carbon as a catalyst.


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Why do planes fly?

The aircraft can fly because there is momentum from the horizontal thrust of the aircraft engine (Engine), then the engine boost will cause differences in air flow velocity below and above the aircraft wing. The velocity of air above the wing will be greater than under the wing because the distance of the air layer flowing above the wing is greater than the distance under the wing, the travel time of the air layer that passes over the wing and under the wing is the same. According to Bernoully's law, large air speeds cause small air pressure. so that the air pressure under the wing becomes greater than the upper wing. So there will be a lift force (lift) that makes the plane can fly.

Some of the main parts of the aircraft that make the aircraft can fly perfectly include the following;

1. The fuselage is inside; the wheelhouse (Cockpit) and the passenger room (Passenger).
2. Wings, there is Aileron function to "Rolling" the plane tilted left - right and Flap to increase the          wing area (Coefficient Lift) which is useful to increase the lift force of the aircraft.
3. Wing tail (Horizontal Stabilazer), there is an elevator function for "Pitching" nose UP - DOWN.
4. Vertical Stabilizer, there is a Rudder function for "Yawing" turn left - right.
5. Engine, functions as Thrust or thrust that produces aircraft speed.

6. Aircraft Wheel (Landing Gear), serves to land / landing or take off / Take-off.

Basically, if an aircraft is flying, it always combines the control functions above, for example; if the plane turns right or left, then the one driven by Aileron and Rudder, so while turning the plane is tilted so that the trajectory turns shorter, which can save time and save fuel consumption.

Basic Physical Principles used are:

1. The Bernoulli Principle

states that the higher the fluid velocity (for relatively the same height), the pressure will decrease. Thus there will be a difference in pressure between the lower air and the upper wing: this is what creates the L lift force. This explanation with Bernoulli's principle still reaps the pros and cons; but this explanation is also what Boeing uses to explain the principle of lift.

2. Newton's third law

EVERY ACTION (power) WILL GET READY AGAINST DIRECTION AND THE SAME BIG. Emphasizing on the principle of changing momentum when air is deflected by the underside of an aircraft's wing. From the principle of action - reaction, there is a force on the underside of the wing that is the same magnitude as the force applied by the wing to deflect air. While the explanation using the Coanda effect emphasizes the turning of the contours of air flowing at the top of the wing. The convex wing's top forces air to follow the contour. Deflection of the air contour is possible because of the presence of a low pressure area at the top of the wing (or with another explanation: this deflection of the air contour creates a low pressure area). The difference in pressure creates a difference in force that gives rise to L. Although there is no official consensus on the most accurate mechanism to explain the emergence of lift force phenomena, it is clear that the aircraft's wings succeeded in changing part of the engine's T thrust into L. the aerodynamic forces including lift (lift), thrust (thrust), weight (weight), and air drag (drag).

Air drag (drag)

is the force caused by molecules and particles in the air. This force is experienced by objects moving in the air. In a stationary object the zero air drag force. When the object starts to move, this air resistance begins to appear in the opposite direction to the direction of motion, which is inhibiting movement (that's why this force is called air drag). The faster the object moves the greater the air drag. So that objects can continue to move forward when flying, we need a force that can overcome the air resistance, namely the thrust (thrust) produced by the engine. So that we do not need to produce thrust that is too large (might be uneconomical) we must find ways to reduce drag. One way is to use a streamlined (slim) design.

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is the thrust produced by the engine (powerplant) / propeller. This style is the opposite of the drag force. As a general rule, thrust acts parallel to the longitudinal axis. But actually this does not always happen, as will be explained later.


is backward force, pulling backwards, and is caused by disruption of air flow by wings, fuselage, and other objects. Drag is the opposite of thrust, and acts backward parallel to the relative wind direction (relative wind).


gravity is a combination of the weight of the cargo itself, crew, fuel, and cargo or baggage. Weight pulls the plane down because of gravity. Weight against the lift (lift force) and act vertically down through the center of gravity of the aircraft.


(lift force) against the force of weight, and is produced by the dynamic effect of air acting on the wing, and acting perpendicular to the direction of flight through the center of lift of the wing.

Airplane steering system

The aircraft's steering system is used to maneuver. When the plane will turn to the right then the steering wheel is moved to the left, as well as when the plane will maneuver to the left, then the steering wheel is moved to the left. The rear of the aircraft there is a steering wheel that is designed horizontally and vertically.

Airplane tail for maneuver

The aircraft can fly in all directions, waiting for the pilot steering motion. If the steering wheel is turned left, the plane will banking left. Vice versa. This movement is determined by the aileron blades at both ends of the main wing. Then, if the left or right pedal is stepped on, the plane will move forward left or right. In this case the move is the rudder blade. Its position is behind the upright wing (Vertical stabilizer).

Different if the steering wheel is pulled or pushed. The plane will climb or swoop. The determinant of this movement is the elevator steering blades located in both horizontal tail wing blades.


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Hasil gambar untuk SISTEM KERJA ROKET

Why Rocket Can Glide to Space?
 First we must know the parts first.

the main components of the rocket, consisting of four parts namely:
1. framework (system structure)
2. Load (payload system)
3. Guiding system
4. Propulsion system (propultion system)

Look At The Picture
Hasil gambar untuk SISTEM KERJA ROKET

  1.  Solid-full rocket engines have important advantages: simple, low cost and enough safety The disadvantage: the thrust cannot be controlled and once it is turned on the engine cannot be stopped or restarted
  2.  Combustion chumber, functions as a place for mixing between compressed air and incoming fuel.
  3. Combustion liners; contained in the combustion chamber which functions as a place for burning.
  4. Fuel nozzle, serves as a place for the entry of fuel into the combustion liner
  5. Lynitors (spark plug), functions to sparks into the combustion chamber so that the mixture of fuel and air can ignite.
  6. Transitions fieces, serves to direct and shape the flow of hot gas to fit the nozzle size.
  7. Cross Fice Tubes, serve to flatten the flames in all combustion chambers


The rocket emits a jet of hot gas from its tail, this is the force of action on the gas by the rocket. The jets of hot gas exert a force on the rocket and move it, this is a reaction. Both of these forces are internal forces for systems consisting of rockets and gases (the working principle is based on Newton's Law III). In terms of momentum, hot gas gains momentum towards the back and the rocket gets the same amount of momentum towards the front.


  The way a rocket works is based on the conservation of momentum. The momentum of a rocket on the ground is zero. When fuel is burned, hot gas is fired down and the rocket body rises to balance its total momentum so that it remains zero. What makes the rocket slide, the ground bursts some of its mass towards the back. The forward force on the rocket is nothing but a reaction to the backward force on the material that spurts, and the more material that spurts the more the rocket's mass decreases.


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Sering kali bagi teman - teman yang kesusahan dalam menyelesaikan soal fisika khususnya tentang listrik dinamis, kami jelaskan satu soal mengenai rangkaian listrik campuran dan bagaimana mencara besar kuat arus listrik yang mengalir pada salah satu hambatan listrik, yang menurut teman - teman agak susah untuk menyelesaikanya...

Perhatikan video baik - baik , jika ada yang ditanyakan kami persilahkan.
komentar di bawah ini.

Often for friends who struggle to solve physics problems, especially about dynamic electricity, we explain one problem about mixed electrical circuits and how to find a strong electric current flowing in one of the electrical resistance, which according to friends is rather difficult to solve. .. Watch the video carefully, if there are questions we ask.

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 Image result for BUMI

 Bumi adalah planet tempat tinggal seluruh makhluk hidup beserta isinya. Kira-kira 250 juta tahun yang lalu sebagian besar kerak benua di Bumi merupakan satu massa daratan yang dikenal sebagai Pangea. Kemudian, kira-kira dua ratus juta tahun yang lalu Pangea terpecah menjadi dua benua besar yaitu Laurasia, yang sekarang terdiri dari Amerika Utara, Eropa, sebagian Asia Tengah dan Asia Timur; dan Gondwana yang terdiri dari Amerika Selatan, Afrika India, Australia dan bagian Asia lainnya. Bagian-bagian dan dua benua besar ini kemudian terpecah-pecah, hanyut dan bertubrukan dengan bagian lain. 

Bumi merupakan salah satu planet dalam system tata surya dengan matahari sebagai pusatnya. Dilihat datri posisi terdekat dari matahari, Bumi berada pada urutan ketiga, setelah merkurius dan venus. Para ilmuwan menduga, bumi terbentuk sekitar 5.000 juta tahun silam. Bumi tercipta setelah matahari terbentuk. Awal mula bumi terbentuk berasal dari awan raksasa yang menggumpal. Awan itu kian panas hingga membentuk sebuah bola merah yang panas. Setelah itu berangsur-angsur mengalami pendinginan. Akibatnya, permukaan bumi mengeras. Sebaiknya, kondisi didalam perut bumi masih sangat panas ( bias mencapai suhu 7000 0C) dan beberapa bagian diantaranya berbentuk cairan.Bumi merupakan planet yang paling padat dibandingkan ke tujuh planet lainnya dalam system tata surya kita. Nilai kerapatan Bumi mencapai 5.517 lebih besar daripada kerapatan air.Sampai sejauh ini, bumi adalah satu-satunya planet yang berpenghuni dan menjadi kehidupan bagi manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan. Beragam jenis mahluk hidup itu merasa nyaman berada di bumi.

Sekitar 71 % dari permukaan Bumi diisi oleh air, baik dalam bentuk samudra, lautan, sungai, danau, rawa, maupun situ. Sisanya, yang 29 % permukaan Bumi berupa daratan.Material penyusun Bumi terbesar terdiri dari besi, oksigen, dan silikon. Dari ketiga unsure tersebut, sekitar 88 % bagian dari pusat Bumi adalah besi.

Hal inilah yang menimbulkan efek magnel luar biasa dengan kutub yang berbeda di utara dan selatan.Medan magnet itu mencapai ribuan km dari permukaan Bumi sehingga dapat menghalangi angin radiasi Matahari (solar winds). Medan magnet ini juga melindungi mahluk hidup dari radiasi matahari yang berbahaya.Bumi berputar pada poros atau sumbunya sambil mengelilingi Matahari sesuai orbitnya (lihat gambar 1.2). Dalam sekali putaran tersebut, diperlukan waktu sekitar 24 jam, tepatnya 23 jam lebih 56 menit dan 4,09 detik. Periode ini dikenal dengan satu hari dan satu malam. Rotasi Bumi pada sumbunya itu menimbulkan waktu siang dan malam,Sementara itu, waktu tempuh Bumi mengelilingi Matahari pada orbitnya dalam satu putaran sekitar 365 hari lebih 5 jam, 48 menit, dan 45,51 detik. Menimbulkan adanya musim yang berbeda-beda di berbagai wilayah.

Sedangkan di indonesia akibat dari revolusi bumi, menyebabkan 2 perubahan musim yaitu musim kemarau dan musim penghujan.


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Matahari merupakan  bintang terdekat dengan Bumi dengan jarak rata-rata 149.680.000 kilometer (93.026.724 mil). Matahari serta kedelapan buah planet (yang sudah diketahui/ditemukan oleh manusia) membentuk Tata Surya. Matahari dikategorikan sebagai bintang kecil jenis G.
Matahari adalah suatu bola gas yang pijar dan ternyata tidak berbentuk bulat betul. Matahari mempunyai katulistiwa dan kutub karena gerak rotasinya. Garis tengah ekuatorialnya 864.000 mil, sedangkan garis tengah antar kutubnya 43 mil lebih pendek. Matahari merupakan anggota Tata Surya yang paling besar, karena 98% massa Tata Surya terkumpul pada matahari.
Di samping sebagai pusat peredaran, matahari juga merupakan pusat sumber tenaga di lingkungan tata surya. Matahari terdiri dari inti dan tiga lapisan kulit, masing-masing fotosfer, kromosfer dan korona. Untuk terus bersinar, matahari, yang terdiri dari gas panas menukar zat hidrogen dengan zat helium melalui reaksi fusi nuklir pada kadar 600 juta ton, dengan itu kehilangan empat juta ton massa setiap saat.

Matahari dipercayai terbentuk pada 4,6 miliar tahun lalu. Kepadatan massa matahari adalah 1,41 berbanding massa air. Jumlah tenaga matahari yang sampai ke permukaan Bumi yang dikenali sebagai konstan surya menyamai 1.370 watt per meter persegi setiap saat. Matahari sebagai pusat Tata Surya merupakan bintang generasi kedua. Material dari matahari terbentuk dari ledakan bintang generasi pertama seperti yang diyakini oleh ilmuwan, bahwasanya alam semesta ini terbentuk oleh ledakan big bang sekitar 14.000 juta tahun lalu.

Jarak matahari dengan Bumi dengan notasi ilmiah
Jarak matahari ke bumi adalah 93.000.000 mil. Jarak ini dipakai sebagai satuan astronomi. Satu satuan astronomi (Astronomical Unit = AU) adalah 93 juta mil = 148 juta km. Dibandingkan dengan bumi, diameter matahari kira-kira 112 kali diameter Bumi. Gaya tarik matahari kira-kira 30 kali gaya tarik bumi. Cahaya matahari menempuh masa 8 menit untuk sampai ke Bumi dan cahaya matahari yang terang ini dapat mengakibatkan siapapun yang memandang terus kepada matahari menjadi buta.

Suhu Permukaan Matahari
Menurut perhitungan para ahli, temperatur di permukaan matahari sekitar 6.000 °C namun ada juga yang menyebutkan suhu permukaan sebesar 5.500 °C. Jenis batuan atau logam apapun yang ada di Bumi ini akan lebur pada suhu setinggi itu. Temperatur tertinggi terletak di bagian tengahnya yang diperkirakan tidak kurang dari 25 juta derajat Celsius namun disebutkan juga kalau suhu pada intinya 15 juta derajat Celsius. Ada pula yang menyebutkan temperatur di inti matahari kira kira sekitar 13.889.000 °C. Menurut JR Meyer, panas matahari berasal dari batu meteor yang berjatuhan dengan kecepatan tinggi pada permukaan matahari. Sedangkan menurut teori kontraksi H Helmholz, panas itu berasal dari menyusutnya bola gas. Ahli lain, Dr Bothe menyatakan bahwa panas tersebut berasal dari reaksi-reaksi termonuklir yang juga disebut reaksi hidrogen helium sintetis.

Bagian-bagian Matahari

 1) Atmosfer Matahari
Atmosfer matahari adalah lapisan paling luar dari matahari yang berbentuk gas, terdiri atas dua lapisan, yaitu kromosfer dan korona. Kromosfer merupakan lapisan atmosfer matahari bagian bawah yang terdiri atas gas yang renggang berwarna merah dengan ketebalan sekitar 10.000 km. Lapisan gas ini merupakan lapisan yang paling dinamis karena seringkali muncul tonjolon cahaya berbentuk lidah api yang memancar sampai ketinggian lebih dari 200.000 km yang disebut prominensa (protuberans).
Korona adalah lapisan atmosfer matahari bagian atas yang terdiri atas gas yang sangat renggang dan berwarna putih atau kuning kebiruan, serta memiliki ketebalan mencapai ribuan kilometer.
Kromosfer dan korona dalam keadaan normal tidak dapat terlihat jelas dari bumi karena tingkat sinar terangnya lebih rendah dari lapisan permukaan matahari. Atmosfer matahari (kromosfer, korona, dan prominensa) dapat terlihat jelas jika bulatan matahari tertutup oleh bulatan bulan pada saat terjadi gerhana matahari total atau melalui pengamatan dengan menggunakan alat yang disebut koronagraf.
2) Fotosfer Matahari
Fotosfer matahari adalah lapisan berupa bulatan berwarna perak kekuning-kuningan yang terdiri atas gas padat bersuhu tinggi. Pada fotosfer matahari terlihat adanya bintik atau noda hitam berdiameter sekitar
300.000 km. Bahkan ada yang berdiameter lebih besar dari diameter bumi dengan kedalaman sekitar 800 km disebut umbra. Di sekeliling umbra, biasanya terdapat lingkaran lebih terang disebut penumbra. Noda-noda hitam pada matahari secara keseluruhan disebut sun spots.
3) Barisfer (Inti Matahari)
Inti matahari adalah bagian dari matahari yang letaknya paling dalam, berdiameter sekitar 500.000 km dengan tingkat temperatur sekitar 15.000.000° C. Pada bagian ini berlangsung reaksi inti yang menyebabkan terjadinya sintesis hidrogen menjadi helium dengan karbon sebagai katalisatornya.


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